Semrush Keyword Magic Tool

Semrush Keyword Magic Tool That Can Be Your Bestfriend with SEO

Many SEO content-writing companies use Semrush, It is one of the most well-known keyword research tools on the market. Semrush has a huge database of more than 20 billion keywords available to its users, which is no secret. The application also offers incredible market information that will assist you in developing your brand into a powerful competitor.

Semrush Keyword Magic Tool

Based on a seed keyword or phrase, the Semrush Keyword Magic Tool can suggest keyword suggestions and variations. This can be especially helpful for new firms wanting to create a list of pertinent keywords to target. To assist users in reducing the number of keywords on their keyword list based on particular factors like search volume, difficulty, and cost-per-click, the application also provides extensive filters and sorting choices. 

What is SEMrush?

The SEMrush suite for managing digital marketing is more comprehensive. Basically, it makes it easier to analyze the traffic on various marketing platforms in order to inform decision-making later on. Next, using its auditing tool, marketers may spot any potential SEO flaws. Correcting those aids in repositioning a website in search engine results. It is an award-winning tool trusted by the world’s leading companies, and 14 years of experience with 13 offices all around the world.

  • 143 countries served
  • 10M marketing professionals have already used Semrush
  • 21 international awards as the best SEO software suite
  • 30% of Fortune 500 companies use Semrush as their go-to marketing tool
  • 23B keywords and 43T backlinks
  • 808M domain profiles
  • 140 geo databases

Moreover, the most well-known services provided by SEMrush include

  • It is best at assisting you in running effective marketing campaigns
  • It aids in the facilitation of high-volume, long-tail keyword research across 16 languages
  • It also efficiently analyses competitors
  • It offers a variety of social networking tools and aids in website auditing

What is Keyword Magic Tool?

Keyword Magic Tool is a keyword research tool that helps you find keywords related to your product or service. Businesses can spot seasonal trends and modify their marketing plans by using the Keyword Magic Tool, which offers insights into keyword trends throughout time. SEMrush’s Keyword Magic Tool is a crucial tool for any company wanting to boost SEO and increase targeted traffic to their website thanks to its extensive features and detailed data.

Semrush Keyword Magic Tool

Semrush Keyword Magic Tool offers users the ability to quickly identify:

  • Keyword intent 
  • Keyword difficulty 
  • Search volume
  • Commercial potential 

Features and Properties of Keyword Magic Tool:

SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool is a versatile keyword research tool that allows businesses of all sizes to gain insights into the search landscape. Whether you’re a small business website owner or a large enterprise agency, the tool provides a powerful resource to analyze entire search markets, study niche subtopics and groups, and save your research for future use.

With its comprehensive data, the Semrush Keyword Magic Tool empowers businesses to gain a competitive edge in their online strategy by providing insights on search volume, difficulty, and cost-per-click. This tool is a must-have for any business looking to improve its SEO and stay ahead of its competition. Businesses can spot seasonal trends and modify their marketing plans by using the Keyword Magic Tool, which offers insights into keyword trends throughout time. 

Keyword Suggestions:

SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool is a crucial tool for any company wanting to boost SEO and increase targeted traffic to their website thanks to its extensive features and detailed data.

  • Businesses wishing to grow their keyword list and find fresh chances for advertising and content production will find this tool especially helpful.
  • Businesses can find new keywords that are pertinent to their industry, line of products, or services by creating a wide list of keyword recommendations.

Advanced Filters: 

Customers can narrow down their keyword list based on a variety of advanced filters, including search volume, difficulty, cost per click, and more.

  • Users can further refine their keyword list to focus on the most profitable and pertinent terms for their digital marketing initiatives by using these filters.
  • The tool also offers filters according to keyword difficulty, which represents the amount of work necessary to rank for a specific term.

Keyword Difficulty Score:

This Semrush Keyword Magic Tool offers a keyword difficulty score to assist businesses in estimating the amount of work necessary to rank for a specific keyword.

Semrush Keyword Magic Tool | Keyword Difficulty
  • The number of backlinks, domain authority and page authority of the top-ranking pages for a keyword all play a role in calculating the keyword difficulty score.
  • Higher scores indicate a higher level of difficulty in ranking for that term. The score ranges from 0 to 100.
  • Businesses can assess how much time and money are needed to rank for a specific keyword by using the Keyword Difficulty Score.
  • It might be simpler to rank for that term and drive more organic traffic to their website if the score is low. But, if the score is high, it might take more effort, time, and knowledge to rank for that keyword.

Related Keywords and Phrases:

The Semrush Keyword Magic Tool offers associated words and phrases to assist users in growing their keyword list and discovering fresh subject areas to focus on.

  • Businesses wishing to vary their keyword targeting and discover new options for content production and advertising will find this tool to be especially helpful.
  • Businesses can find new subjects and themes that are pertinent to their niche, goods, or services by examining the list of similar keywords and phrases.
  • These similar keywords and phrases are presented by the Keyword Magic Tool based on a variety of variables, such as search volume, competitiveness, and relevancy.

Long-Tail Keyword Suggestions:

The tool also provides long-tail keyword suggestions, which are particularly beneficial for companies aiming to market to specialized markets or subcategories.

  • Long-tail keywords are longer, more precise phrases that have higher relevance and intent but often less search volume and competition.
  • Businesses can target niches and subtopics that are pertinent to their goods or services by using long-tail keywords, which will result in a higher volume of qualified leads and sales.
  • In the era of voice assistants and mobile search, businesses can also benefit from targeting long-tail keywords to gain access to voice search traffic and featured snippets.

Trends in Search Volume:

The Semrush Keyword Magic Tool offers historical search volume information for keywords, enabling companies to spot seasonal patterns and modify their marketing plans accordingly.

  • While creating content and running advertisements for particular keywords, search volume patterns are crucial things to take into account.
  • Businesses can spot seasonal variations in demand by examining search volume trends, and they can then adapt their content and advertising efforts to fit these trends.
  • For each keyword, the Keyword Magic Tool offers a historical search volume graph that displays the evolution of search volume over time.

Keywords Management:

The tool also has a capability for managing keywords that lets users save and arrange their keyword lists for later use.

Semrush Keyword Magic Tool | Keywords Management
  • The keyword management function enables users to make their own keyword lists, add new keywords, remove those that aren’t relevant, and organize the keywords into categories.
  • Additionally, this feature enables users to export their keyword lists to additional SEMrush tools, like the Position Tracking or Advertising Research tools, which may be used by businesses to monitor their search engine ranks and ad campaigns for particular keywords.

How to Use?

I assume your next question will be how to use the ultimate Semrush Keyword Magic Tool, Here is the proper guide from scratch:

Start with Your Seed Keyword:

Simply type a keyword you want to analyze into the search field to get started.

  • Your seed keyword (1) is the term you enter in the search field; from here, you can choose your database.
  • The program will provide a comprehensive list of all the various related terms in the table below using your seed keyword (2).
  • The groups (3) produced by the Keyword Magic Tool are to the left of the main table.

Set Match Modifiers:

There are a few modifiers that you can use to get more specific results from your seed keyword. As you query your seed keyword, you can choose

Broad Match: The default report, Wide Match, will provide all keyword suggestions for the seed term in all discovered forms but not in any particular order. Most keywords are returned by this modifier.

Phrase Match: The keywords provided by Phrase Match are exactly the same as the seed keyword but in a different order. This will filter out results for variations of your seed keyword (-ing, -ed, -s, etc.).

Exact Match: Exact Match displays all related keywords in the exact same order and same form as the seed term.

Related: Related shows keywords that are determined to be related based on having similar search engine results. 

Filter For Question Keywords:

You can use the “Questions” button as a search tool to find keywords for your search marketing strategy that are based on questions. You can produce focused content that offers clear solutions to frequently asked concerns by search engine users by using question-based keywords.

How-tos, “what’s the difference between x and y,” and “where do I locate x” are a few examples of popular questions kinds that make for engaging content. You may come up with ideas for SEO-focused content that will be pertinent to and helpful to your audience by focusing on these topics.

Explore Keyword Groups and Subgroups:

There will be suggested groups of relevant topics in the menu on the left. You can use groups to study the subtopics related to your main keyword because they are arranged by shared added keywords. The groups in this list can be sorted by the number of keywords included in the group or by the sum of the average monthly searches for all the keywords in the group. Utilize groups to find niche subjects and come up with concepts for PPC campaign ad groups.

Semrush Keyword Magic Tool | Keyword

You can click on a group’s arrow and browse subgroups to delve even farther into a specialization. They also function as groupings. You can hide a subgroup from your overall batch by clicking the eye symbol next to the subgroup name. You can view the total number of keywords and the total search volume for each subgroup.

Total Volume and Average Difficulty:

According to a study published in March 2022, Semrush offers the market’s most precise search volume metric. The study contrasted estimated search volumes from 25 different keyword research tools with actual Google search data. Semrush was shown to have the best connection with Google search data and the lowest total error rate.

This indicates that Semrush’s estimates of search volume are more trustworthy and accurate than those provided by other technologies. Since it enables marketers to choose which keywords to target and prioritize, accurate search volume data is crucial for successful keyword research and SEO activities. Semrush is a useful tool for companies and marketers wanting to enhance their search because of its high level of accuracy in this field.


The process of determining a user’s intent can be crucial but time-consuming. To assist, we marked up every keyword in our databases (in 10 languages) to automatically display a user’s purpose. You can decide whether and how to target a term based on a searcher’s purpose since potential customers employ keywords differently dependent on their goals.

Semrush Keyword Magic Tool | Semrush Search Intent Filter

The 4 intents are:

Informational: The user wants to find an answer to a specific question.

Navigational: The user wants to find a specific page, site, or physical location.

Commercial: The user wants to investigate brands or services.

Transactional: The user wants to complete an action (conversion).


To uncover particular keywords and target the search intent of your audience, the Semrush Keyword Magic Tool offers a number of options. These filters include word count, language, competitive density, exact match, broad match, include/exclude keywords, search intent, competitive density, volume, keyword difficulty, and intent.

These filters make it simple to locate long-tail keywords, rank target phrases in order of importance, and group keywords according to various sorts of intent. With the help of these filters, you can rapidly determine the intent of your audience, develop keyword buckets, and select the ideal landing page for a given query. You can make sure that your content properly targets your intended keywords and matches the search intent of your audience by developing it with that intent in mind.

Find SERP Features Opportunities:

Finding keywords for SERP Features like Instant Answer, Knowledge Graph, Carousel, Local Pack, News, Images, Site Links, Reviews, Tweets, Video, Featured Video, and Featured Snippets is possible with the help of the Semrush Keyword Magic Tool.

You may determine the precise terms that activate them and inspect the SERP source for each keyword by applying filters for particular SERP Features. Finding keywords to target with SEO can also be aided by excluding SERP Features because it can be simpler to compete on results pages without SERP Features.

Related Keywords:

Finding related keywords that can be targeted to raise a website’s overall search authority and improve organic traffic can be done by using Semrush Keyword Magic Tool Related Keywords filter.

When it comes to primary keywords with significant volume and intent, this can be quite successful. Semrush’s Related Keywords are based on the related% measure and have less competition, giving important primary keywords a better chance of ranking higher.

Broaden The Scope of Your Keyword List:

You can broaden your target list and find new keyword niches by using the Similar Keywords report. It offers insight into related keyword ideas that you may add to your keyword list, such as long-tail keywords.

Semrush Keyword Magic Tool

By including these less competitive long-tail keywords, you may boost your search authority and, by raising click-through rates, your ROI. The keyword recommendation is better the closer the related% is to 100.

Uncover New Profitable Keyword Ideas For Content:

In addition to assisting in the creation of a comprehensive keyword list, including related terms in your keyword research can serve as an inspiration for the development of fresh content that is in line with user search intent.

For instance, related keywords can assist you in identifying other terms that consumers are looking for in relation to your main keyword when you are constructing a landing page for a PPC campaign. You may raise your SEO ranking and beat out the competition by including these connected keywords in your article. In the end, relevant keywords might help you develop more interesting and audience-relevant content because the content is a crucial component of SEO.


Your keyword list can be exported from SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool in a CSV, XLSX, or CSV semicolon file. The keyword groups will be formatted as separate tabs in your Excel file when you export the entire table with groups. You can do this either with or without groups. You can choose keywords one at a time or in bulk.

To choose a group of related keywords, click the first one in the group while holding down the Shift key as you click the last one. By checking the box next to each keyword and choosing the “To Keyword Manager” option, you may also send keywords to the Keyword Manager. You will need to use different seed lists if you wish to export keywords from the keyword Manager.

Pricing Plan of Keyword Magic Tool:

Semrush offers a 7-day free trial. You do need to enter your credit card details to access the trial, but there are no charges levied if you cancel your subscription within the trial period. If you use our link below, the trial period is extended to 14 days! 

Semrush has four different pricing plans. The cheapest offers come with annual billing.

  • Free –  This will provide you with only 3 queries per day and tell you about your basic competitors etc.
  • Pro – This plan is for limited-budget sites and freelancers. It starts at $99.95/m when billed annually.
  • Guru – SEO agencies and small to mid-sized businesses will find the features in this plan perfect for the day-to-day management of content sites (and Semrush is our top pick for a white-label SEO tool). Guru starts at $191.62/m.
  • Business – This plan is ideal for eCommerce stores and agencies and opens at $374.95/m
  • Enterprise – If you have an extensive content strategy, reaching beyond the capacity of the other plans, then Semrush can custom fit a plan for your needs (and it’s Semrush is our top choice for an SEO enterprise tool).


In conclusion, the SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool is a priceless tool for anyone trying to increase the SEO of their website and attract more relevant visitors to it. Its huge term and phrase database, along with its sophisticated keyword analysis features, make it a crucial tool for any marketer trying to stay competitive in today’s challenging digital environment.

You may find fresh keyword opportunities, research the competition, and produce tailored content with the SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool, all of which will raise the rank of your website in search engine results. The SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool is a must-have for any marketer trying to flourish in the online marketplace because of its user-friendly layout and extensive capabilities.


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